am Dr.Denon from Osaka, Japan!!and again I will tell you my secret story
for horse race forecasting in Japan today!!
Today, I will show you the actual examples of our past indexes and
the results of the races as follows.
These example races are actually held in Norvenber, 2013 last year and
our indexes forecast these results and pay-off would be very samall
and actually more than 70% of the race results became very small
as my indexes predicted......also I could get more than 70% of winning
tickets on the day!!unbelievably!!??
Rock On Winning Ticket Sniper Indexes for November 2013 and actual results and pay-offs :
Date & Place Race No. Index Quinella Trio Tri-Fecta
Usually when our indexes are 100~6999%, expected pay-offs
for the races will be around 1000 Yen ~ 20000 Yen even for the
most difficult TRI-FECTA!!
As you can see above, even pay-offs of Tri-fecta are very
small and this means that you can find and get winning tickets
very easily if you check the above indexes for the races before
the races!? Do you understand this very amazing and incredible
accuracy of probability to find good races for investment and
winning tickets?!!
I hope you will understand the above fact and you to try our
actual indexes to get winning tickets for yourself!!
Even you can experience our indexes just checking this blog
and web Page of JRA ( Japan Racing Association ) on the days
of horse races will be held.....
Why don't you try and experience our Indexes soon??
Explanation on our Horse Race Forecasting Indexes & System
Seeking for Business Partners
Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
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