Formular and Law which can find and get winning tickets with
pinpoint precision using yesterday's Grade II Race ( Hanshin Daishou ten ) at Hanshin Horse Race Course!!
Can you believe you can find the best and easiest race for winning tickets and also can forecast the exact expected Pay-offs for the races you forecast before races??
I know even in Japan, almost more than 90% or more Horse Race Fans also can not believe this fact that they can easily find the race for getting winning tickets and also for their investment just using my developed indexes and software!!??
As I mentioned in this blog in the past day, I have been developing the very amazing logic and Horse Race Analyzing methods and software just using odds provided by our
governmental body JRA ( Japan Racing Association ) more than 10 years and I successfully could develop very much amazing and incredibly precise Formular & Law which
can find the best races for getting winning tickets and even can predict the expected Pay-offs for the races will be held on the racing days.....
Anyway, today, I would like to show you the actual result and fact for your easy understanding on my amazing and very systematic Horse Race Forecasting system and software!!
At first, please kindly see the below my forecasting indexes & results for yesterday 3-23-2014!!
Anyway, I will explain the above results for you!!
As you can see Green colored races were my recommended races calculated by my forecasting software and we could get 6 winning tickets out of 9 races on the day.....
So, yesterday's winning ticket rate was around 70%!!!!
Also, please see the Pink squared race of Hanshin No.11 Race!!
titled Hanshin Dai Shoten!!
This race was Grade II race and so many Japanese people made a betting
for the race and watched on TV and also at the actual Horse Race Site on the day!!
Our index for the race was very small and I recommended for my blog readers and my Horse Race Traders club members to bet for TRIO and TRI-FECTA...
Expected Pay-Offs were 100-2000 Yen for TRIO and 100-5000 Yen for TRI-FECTA!!
And then actual result was as above....only 4060 Yen even for TRI-FECAT and my index correctly and precisely could predict even the Pay-Offs!!for the race!!
Following is the actual betting using Japanese very convenient internet betting software " BET MASTER "!!
This software can optimize the retuning profits for you betting instantly and you can get even profit if you get any ticket!!
How you do feel and think about this fact????
I can say that odds for the race correctly and precisely gave us the very exact information for the tendency for the race and even expected Pay-Off for the race precisely too!!
Anyway, now you are witnessing the fact that Horse races can be predicted and forecast just using scientific and statistical analyzing method which can know the tendency for the
races and expected pay-offs as the results of the races I will forecast.....
Can you believe this fact and do not want to witness and try, experience actually our Amazing Horse Race Formular and Law???
Please do not hesitate to contact us for your free 2 day trial for 2-3 racing sites!!
We are sure to send the free forecasting info by email every weekend for your pleasure, enjoyment and investment!!
We are looking forward to your soonest contact to us!!
You can also check the actual
system & results here!!
JRA Home Page to know Japanese
Horse Race in English!!
Our English Blog & Every Weekend
Results of our Forecasting in
Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
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