forecasting system briefly and show you the actual results for
our horse race forecasting using our developed indexes and
horse race forecasting software called " HORSE RACE
We have developed amazing and incredible
indexes and Japanese Horse Race Forecasting
systems and software which can forecast the
results of the horse races and you can get
winning tickets every weekend with the
amazing accuracy about 50-70%!!We can send
our trial forecasting for 2 days to you to prove
how our system and software will work!!and
you can get winning tickets very easily just
using our forecasting info and data and
experience amazing and incredible Japanese
Horse Race Forecasting system using odds
analyzing method which you have never seen
before!!Please feel free to contact us to : to try our amazing trial
forecasting to change your whole life!!
Explanation of our super Indexes,
we call them
" Rock On Winning Ticket Sniper
Index "
Look at the following Indexes and
the actual results of the Horse
Races on November 10, 2013!!
First column from the right shows
Race Number :
Second column from the right shows
Indexes we developed :
Third column from the right shows actual
Pay-off for the race :
Extreme left column of red circle shows the
races we could get winning tickets!! :
Now you can see the second column from the right......
These numbers show the Indexes we developed using our
special and secret odds analyzing system.
Green color indexes show very small numbers....these
indexes show that the results were very
small Pay-off races, however, please see the Pink color races
with large indexes....
Actual results...Pay-offs are very big aren't they???
Yes!!! this means, our developed Indexes exactly could
forecast the Pay-offs before the races!! You can see the
above indexes before the races and if
you can rock on the Green color
races and try to bet can easily get the winning
So, you can know the followings before the races just seeing
these Indexes!!So, on this November 10, 2013, we could get 7 winning tickets
out of 10 recommenced races,
how do you think? and feel these results??it must be very
amazing!! and incredible!!!
*You can get winning tickets very easily if you can rock on
Green small races with small Indexes!!
*You can avoid very dangerous races if you see the Pink
colored races with Big Indexes!!
*Usually, No.1 ( Strongest ) horse will be included as one of 3
winning horses for Tri-Fecta
*Combination of winning tickets usually from No.1-No.7, other
horses will not win....usually Japanese horse races will
compete among more than 10 horses...
Anyway, you can know the easy races to get winning tickets
just see our indexes before the races in the morning...usually
Japanese horse races will be held from9:50 am.....we usually
provide our forecasting information and data for software
around 9:30~40 before the races!!
Actual our horse race forecasting and results
for March 8 & 9
Winning ticket rate on these 2 days was
78% and amazing and incredible!!!
Green color races are our recommended
races and red circles were races we could
get winning tickets on these days!!
March 8, 2014 Saturday
Our software's forecasting
Blue circle are the winning horses!!
March 9, 2014 Sunday
Our software's forecasting
You can also check the actual
results here!!
Please do not hesitate to contact us
to the following e-mail address for
free trial forecasting and
information, also business
partnership for all over the world!!
Why don't you do business with
us? try and experience our amazing
horse race forecasting system
by your own eyes!!!
Our English Blog & Every Weekend
Results of our Forecasting in
Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
( Computer Investment Institute )
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