Today, I'd like to talk about Japanese Hi-Tec Internet betting system for horse races in Japan and my developed super indexes to get winning tickets so quickly and easily!!
Do you know that we can bet for horse races in Japan just using internet betting system and software from all over the world....even just using smart phone too!!??
In Japan, we have like this internet betting system and software to bet for horse races which are being held by our government every weekend even from everywhere we are!!
Now, so many horse race fans in Japan using this internet Hi-Tec betting systme to bet for horse races and they even can withdraw the pay-offs they got at designated convenience stores everywhere they want to withdraw the pay-offs!!??
How is the situation in your country???so convenient and you will be able to have your own cash dispenser if you can constantly get winning tickets every weekend!!
How do you think??
Japanese horse race are being held using like this internet betting system and we have so many betting software to bet for horse races automatically and we can just set the time for betting...etc....
Today, I'd like to explain about my developed indexes to find suitable and easy races for getting winning tickets and for you investment in horse races every weekend!!
I have been engaged in developing the very special indexes to find good and easy races for getting winning tickets after analyzing the odds provided by our governmental body called
JRA ( Japan Racing Assciation ).I have been trying to develop like these indexes for more than 10 years and finally I could developed them with my great and enormously long efforts!!
Special & amazing indexes to find good and easy races for getting winning tickets!!
After analyzing all kinds of odds provided by our governmental body JRA by very special statistical methods and from so many different angles, I finally could find some clues and tendencies for each race and improved winning ticket rate for horse races
I could develop my special indexes to find good and easy races
for getting winning tickets and to predict the results and expected pay-offs before the races will be held!!!
Now, I can know the tendencies of the races and even expected
pay-offs for the races I will bet before the races by just watching and checking the indexes I developed......
Meaning of my developed INDEX
Green colored races are our recommended
races for betting and investment!!
Race No. / INDEX / Pay-offs / Got tickets
Can you see the above green colored Indexes and Pink Indexes??
Green Colored Indexes show the very small pay-off results and
Pink Colored Indexes show the very big pay-off results!!??
Yes...this means...if you check the indexes before races in the morning,
You can know and forecast the expected pay-offs and results!!
The the third column shows the actual pay-offs on March 8, 2014 and unit is YEN!!!
As you can see our recommended 7 races for betting and investment ( Green colored races ), on this day, we could get winning tickets for 6 races out of total 7 races!!!
Of course!!it is almost amazing and incredible results because the winning tickets rate on this day was 86%!!!almost miracle!!! Horse Races are Gambling????Hahahaha!!
Anyway, we usually send the above indexes to our Horse Race Investor's Club members every weekend before the races by e-mail and they usually pay the member fee only 5000 yen ( about US$50 ) every month......
I know it is very amazing and incredible results because over 90% of people in Japan are also regard Horse Races as Gambling as you do!! of course!!
How do you feel and think of this results for horse races in Japan...
I think I can develop similar indexes, software and system applicable to your country too....
Why don't you try our free trial forecasting and indexes....!!??
We are looking forward to your trying our forecasting and system soon!!
Also, please feel free to give us your questions on our indexes, software and system...if you are interested in investing for horse races and doing business with us from now on!!
You can also check the actual
system & results here!!
JRA Home Page to know Japanese
Horse Race in English!!
Our English Blog & Every Weekend
Results of our Forecasting in
Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
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