Result of today's Free Forecasting ( Indexes & Real Pay-offs of today )
Green clored Races are our recommended races of Today!!
Today, we could get 3 winning tickets out of 5 recommended races
and the winning ticket rate was about 60%!!
It was very hard and difficult day today too!!becasue we had so many
big indexes to be big Pay-Off races as you can see!!
Sprinter's Satkes G1
As I expected this race became very big pay-off as our Index
indicated before the race!!! as follows!!
Nakayama 11R | 160610% | Yen106170 |
The pay-off of this recace was YEN 106170 !!!
How do you feel the reuslt?
Yes!!we can predict the high & big pay-off
before the race just using our super pay-off
forecasting INDEX!! /amazinghorserace/
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Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
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