Now the whole horse races in Japan were finished and I will give you the result of today's free forecasting from Osaka, Japan!! as follows!!
Result of today's Free Forecasting ( Indexes & Real Pay-offs of today )
Green clored Races are our erecommendec races of Today!!
As I mentioned in the morning, today was actually very hard and diffcult day!!and follwoing is the very hard and difficult results of today witha lot of very High Pay-Offs!!
Race No. Place Tri-fecta
Today' results were also very awful and hard!!
Even recomeended races had very weak odds for WIN No.1 for
many races and these No.1 strength horse could not win!!
However, as for HANSHIN No.5 Race had very storng No.1 hors,
so, the pay-off was only 1690 YEN even for TRI-FECTA!!
How do you feel and think??about this fact....??
Of course, to get winning tickts, not only small INDEXES but also
we need very storng No.1 WIN Odd horses!!too!!
I show you another results for software I developed for
professional investors....I call this software as
Today's Garde I Race----OKA SHO!!

Please click asd seer the HANSHIN No.11 Rcae Blue Colored Race...Index for thr race was not sso good and this was not a
recommended race but......
Blue colored figure shows the betting ration for TOP 5 Horses
and in this race, only TOP 5 horses got 87% betting ratio of out of 100%!! ( 18 horses ) and actual result is as follows!!
Win | Show | Bracket Q. | Quinella | Q.Place | Exacta | Trio | Trifecta | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PAY-OFF (for 100Yen) | 18 | 120 | 18 | 110 | 6 - 8 | 370 |
| 370 |
| 200 |
| 450 |
| 1310 |
| 2540 | |||||||||||||||||||
12 | 170 |
| 340 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10 | 270 |
| 960 |
This means 87% of betting ratio was forcused to only top 5 horses among 18 horses!!and result and pay-off also became very samll just 3 horses won among top 5 horses.....!!
You can also check the actual
system & results here!!
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Dennou Toshi Kenkyuso
( Computer Investment Institute )
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